فريق مجلة مدارس الظهران الاهلية

Note: We have given our family members the freedom to describe themselves in whichever language they feel more comfortable using. 

ملاحظة: لقد منحنا أفراد عائلتنا حرية اختياراللغة المناسبة لهم ؛ للتّعبير عن آرائهم وأفكارهم .

Layan Aljandan

ليان الجندان  

Founder\Managing Director

المؤسس/المدير العام 

All my life, I was intrigued to discover how individuals responded to their creative drive and inspiration. I wanted to understand how one manifested their vision. Each person naturally has their own creative talents that they've discovered they create through. I for one discovered for me that creative talent was writing. Though it was truly a gift, I faced difficulties along the way. I sometimes felt creatively blocked or uninspired. I believed that I wasn't creative enough, or I held ideas that I wanted to bring to life but felt stuck. I even wanted to expand my creativity and rediscover other talents but felt unmotivated to do so. This is why I created THE DAS MAG. I wanted DAS high school female students to have a platform for them to explore their creative capacity and conquer their creative limits. This family is solely for creative, driven individuals who are looking to reach their full potential as creators, and I am happy as much as I am fascinated to be a part of each member's path of creative discovery.

Deem Alaujan

ديم العوجان 

Co-founder\Assisting Director

شريك المؤسس/المدير المساعد

Ever since I was a little kid, I was mesmerized by the power of art. The power and influence every single brush stroke and letter contained.  I have always believed that we all could contain and make use of that power if we wanted to. But sadly, there was not a platform in which we could release that power to a specific audience. Which is why i was more than excited to start the DAS MAG. A platform that radiates and nurtures creativity. My art and bursts of creativity are heavily inspired by the people around me. Which only makes me beyond thrilled to witness all the art and creativity that all the amazing members of this family are going to produce. 

Lama Alkhunaizi

لمى الخنيزي 

Art Advisor 

المستشار الفني

Hey, I'm Lama Al Khunaizi, and I'm in the process of becoming the best version of myself. Creating art is something that makes me breathe with a different kind of happiness. And it isn't limited to a canvas, but in every aspect in life. I believe that it is very important that every individual reaches inner peace, where positivity is a priority and negativity cannot exist. Therefore, nothing can take away your happiness again.

Wafaa Bin Sadeeq

وفاء بن صديق 

Arabic Editor

المحرّر باللغة العربية

إذا بحثت عني ستجدني في الأروقة، و الممرات المدرسيّة.ستجدني في الصفوف ، وبين بعثرة الأوراق والكتب. وستميّز ملامحي بكل دقّة عندما تقترب مني وأنا أمارس شغفي بشكل يومي. هذا الشغف المتمثّل في مهنتي التي علّمتني الكثير، وكانت ملهمي الأول في خطبتي الأولى في نادي (توستماسترز) العالمي للخطابة.تلك المهنة التي تعلمتُ منها أنّ مهنة التعليم لاتقتصر على تعليم المهارات الأكاديمية فقط ، بل هي مهنة إنسانية من الدرجة الأولى أساسها احترام إنسانية الشخص الذي أمامي من خلال بذل قصارى جهدي؛ لتحسين قدراته، وتعزيز ثقته بنفسه؛ لخلق بيئة آمنة تتيح له التفكير،والتأمّل، فالشعور بالأمان يخلق الإبداع.

Halla Angawi

هلا عنقاوي 

Mentor and English Editor

  المرشد والمحرّر باللغة الإنجليزية

I'm Halla Angawi, the MYP Projects Coordinator at DAS. I got involved with the DAS MAG when it first started as a Personal Project in 2018. It's amazing to see it now blossoming into a large family of writers and creatives. An avid reader myself, I believe that reading is a form of escape, of being transported to unlimited worlds unbeknownst to us until we start exploring them. Coupled with slight OCD tendencies, I actually enjoy editing! I also love animals, yoga, art, and doing my part to make this world a better place. 

The Creatives 


We call some of our members the "creatives" because we do not want to limit them in any way. We give our members the chance to express themselves in our magazine in any creative form they wish. Whether it's through writing, art, or photography.

نحن نطلق على أعضائنا اسم "المبدعين" لأننا لا نريد تقييدهم بأي شكل من الأشكال التعبير. نعطي أعضائنا الفرصة ليعبروا عن نفسهم بأي شكل تعبيري يتمنونه سواء كان عبر الكتابة، الفن، أو التصوير

Lamar Alkaka

لمار الكاكا

Hi! My name is Lamar Alkaka. Since I was a child, I tried expressing myself through different forms of art; drawing, painting, photography, and now, writing. I found tremendous joy in writing as I imagined the influence my pieces may have on others, and how it may affect my community. I knew that as a teenage writer, I'd become a spokesperson and an advocate for the youth, and I wanted my work to be something my peers look forward to reading and for it to inspire the community I'm apart of. This magazine can be an outlet for all writers (including myself) to express ourselves in whatever form we want and can be a platform where all the youth is united and can share ideas and concepts without fear of judgment.

Thuraya Sabri

ثريا الصبري

Hey, I am Thuraya Sabri, and I am a believer in the power of words. From magazine editorials and articles to novels and literary essays, in literature I find peace and chaos, beauty and crudeness, and happiness and sadness. I am aware of the fact that books and literature can't change the world single-handedly, but they play a major role in influencing and shaping said change. Therefore, this is my attempt at being part of the influence.

Sarah Alshamekh

سارة الشامخ 

   أنا كُل ما كتبه القلمُ: فارسًا مغوارًا، طفلا بريئًا ،أوطائرًا مُحلقًّا فوق حلقاتِ الأدب. أنا كُل ما استطاعت مخيلتي رسمه بهذا القلم الذي تكمن في كلماته شتّى أنواع القوة، ولكن في الواقع أنا لستُ سوى بشرمن سلالة آدم . أنا سارة الشامخ ، أنا روحٌ تهوى العواصف والأمطار. أنا نفسٌ تُغرّدُ باستمرار. أُحِبُّ الحيوانات بشَتَّى الأنواع. وحُلمي أن أحميها في جميع البِقاع.

Batool Alaskar

بتول العسكر 

  مرحباً بكم مرحباً، أنا بتول العسكر، ويمكنكم مناداتي بـ(باتكَر). الوسطيّة في نظري أساس الحياة السليمة؛ لأنّها تقيّم الأمور من مختلف الجوانب، وتحكيم كلّ من:العقل والقلب في اتخاذ القرارات يحقّق التوازن والراحة النفسية. أؤمن إيمانًا تامًّا بأنّ إحسان الظنّ بالناس ، وتقديم الخير لهم طريق؛ لتحقيق السلام الداخلي. أهوى الكتابة، ولطالما كانت ومازالت الوسيلةُ الأكثرُ راحةً بالنسبةِ لي، فأعبّر بها عمّا يجوبُ في خاطري، وأفصحُ بها عمّا لا يقوله لساني. تجذبني الأمورُ الغامضة، أحبّ حلّ الأحاجي، ويستهويني استكشاف الجديد، وتعلّم كل ما هو مفيد.

Juri Alhuthali

جوري الهذلي 

Hi my name is Juri Alhuthali and I am a proud writer for DAS magazine. To me writing is a way to channel one's imagination, so with a pencil in my hand I believe that is how I make my dreams a reality. I hope all of you enjoy reading my work because it is truly from the heart!

Lina Alghamdi

لينا الغامدي

أهلًا! أنا لينا الغامدي، أرحبُ من أن تحتويني الحروف؛ فأفكاري تتساقط أسرع من قطرات المطر، والكتابة هي وسيلتي المُثلى لجمعها، إن لم تجدني في أروقة المكتبات، ربما يصادفك الحظ في غرفتي؛ حيث أشاهد فيلمي المفضل للمرة الألف. أجد متنفسي في: نظم الشعر، والألوان المائية. على قائمة أولويّاتي عائلتي، ثم آيس كريم المانجو. أخشى موت الشغف قبل موت الجسد؛ ولذلك ألاحق الفرص، وأقفز من واحدة إلى أخرى ، ولكن كثرة التخطيط ترهق عقلي، وتمنعه من إيصال مكنوناته، صوتًا، وصورةً، وكتابة.

Retaj Alhelal

ريتاج الهلال

My name is Retaj Al Helal, a high-school student at Dhahran Ahliyya Schools. like everyone else I want to be part of history. I like to keep myself busy because wasting time isn't my thing. I have a passion for all kinds of art from music to acting to writing. I paint from time to time and I practice playing the piano. It is my pleasure to be a part of the DAS magazine.

Dalal Aljabr

دلال الجبر

Hey! I'm Dalal AlJabr and I'm completely fascinated by the relations in our brain; how the biology helps shape our identity and societies. I always aim to immerse myself in experiences that expose me to others and their thought processes. There is so much to explore out there that I seek to learn from and express.

Jana Aldakhil 

جنى الدخيل 

Hi, my names Jana Dakhil, and I love everything art. I love writing, reading, visual arts, filmmaking... basically anything that involves expression. I find peace in letting out my emotions through art, and I tend to feel suffocated if I don't. I genuinely believe that one person can influence huge numbers of people through their craft, and that is what I aspire to do. I hope my writing inspires you to make something of your own and let your ideas fly free.

Lama Dulli 

لمى دلي

I found my serenity through art, it helped me escape reality whenever I needed to, it's a form that I can easily express my feelings with. Every painting I paint tells a story, and every sketch I draw tells a feeling. Art gives me hope, and I know if offers it to many other people too, that's when I decided to expand my talent, practice more and try to learn more techniques for painting and drawing and share them.

Yara Alhaidari

يارا الحيدري 

My name is Yara AlHaidari. I enjoy writing, whether it be creative or academic, and I also enjoy reading which helps me improve how I write.

Family Writers

كتّاب الفريق

Batool Abdulsalam

بتول عبدالسلام

Hello, I am Batool Abdulsalam. Since I was very young I was able to recognize how powerful words are. I realized that through reading almost 3 books weekly and learning things subconsciously then noticing myself apply what I learned. Through reading books I was able to learn about different personalities and develop mine. I realized that I have developed my personality through the characters in my favorite books. When I came to that conclusion I saw the potential of amazing writing and hoped one day to do the same. I hope to inspire people through my writing or just evoke a feeling of comfort and understanding. I hope you enjoy this wonderful magazine and the amazing articles within it.

Thuraya Sabri

ثريا الصبري

Hey, I am Thuraya Sabri, and I am a believer in the power of words. From magazine editorials and articles to novels and literary essays, in literature I find peace and chaos, beauty and crudeness, and happiness and sadness. I am aware of the fact that books and literature can't change the world single-handedly, but they play a major role in influencing and shaping said change. Therefore, this is my attempt at being part of the influence.

Melaph Aljuhani

ميلاف الجهني

Hey, I'm Melaph, and I love french fries! I am opinionated and a stubborn Taurus. I enjoy writing specifically poetry, and I believe that words can move nations. I am into sports, psychology, and anything crime-related. I like to have an existential crisis three times a day and tend to be on the reflective and philosophical side of thinking. I hope that through my writing, I get to show you the reader the power of words. 

THE DAS MAG Guest Writers

كتّاب ضيوف مجلة مدارس الظهران الأهلية

Ghalia Alghereri
غالية الغريري

Hello, I'm Ghalia AlGhereri. Ever since I was a little girl, I had a wild and creative imagination and I always enjoyed entertaining people through my stories. I was always intrigued by the idea of transporting people into a different world with words and writing. I look forward to influencing people's thoughts and actions through the magic of words.

Are you a DAS female student? Want to become a part of the family? 

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